Emma's Diary Case Study


Business Overview

Emma’s Diary is one of the UK’s leading information channels for new mums and mums-to-be. It offers authoritative content and advice, topical features and insights that connect mums with the industry’s leading baby and parenting brands.

The Brief

Emma’s Diary commissioned IDS Logic to redesign, redevelop and optimise its website to serve the needs of its growing customer base. This brief led to a long-term partnership of over 10 years between Emma’s Diary and IDS Logic that continues to grow.

Solutions Overview

As the brand’s primary technical partner, we designed and built the new Emma’s Diary website with a special emphasis on creating a mobile-friendly user experience. Using the Sitefinity CMS, we delivered a fully integrated content management platform to the editorial team enabling them to manage and grow their web content using flexible templates and layouts. We also integrated features for registered users including special offers, competitions, email subscriptions and voucher redemption. Over the years we have expanded the website significantly, working on over a hundred projects — each one focused on delivering tangible outcomes for Emma’s Diary.

Services Offered

  • Technical Consultancy
  • CMS Design
  • CMS Development
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Site Performance Optimisation
  • Website Accessibility Compliance
  • A/B Testing of Conversion Rates
  • Support & Maintenance


  • Sitefinity
  • Microsoft ASP.NET

Partnership Highlights

  • Highly collaborative working with tight team integration between IDS Logic and Emma’s Diary teams
  • 10+ Years of tested and trusted partnership
  • A broad range of commercially focused development project
  • Round-the-Clock Technical Support


  • Progressive Improvement in Organic Traffic
  • Improved Retention & Engagement of Existing Customers
  • Continual expansion of the Emma’s Diary membership

Recent Milestone Projects

Baby Marketplace

We helped Emma’s Diary create the Baby Marketplace — an ecommerce platform that brings together a range of merchant partners including Amazon to sell a variety of baby and parent products on the Emma’s Diary website. Our technical solution using Sitefinity blends merchant partner product feeds into a unified product catalogue for a seamless customer browsing and purchase experience.

Parent Squad

Created as a bespoke Sitefinity/.net technology development project, Parent Squad is an online community of influencer mums who perform brand advocacy and endorsement for leading brands and products. The Parent Squad platform features support the end-to-end journey for its influencer community — from registration and login, through to influencer mission management, application and completion with integrated performance leaderboard and reporting features.

MAPI (Mobile Application Programming Interface) Development

We developed a MAPI for Emma’s Diary that connects the web CMS to their app. This enables the Emma’s Diary editorial team to centralise the management of its cross-channel content and keep the Emma’s Diary APP content experience fully up to date without the need for local APP-based code updates.

Baby Name Trends Tool

We created a unique digital tool for Emma’s Diary that helps soon-to-be parents see patterns in the popularity of specific names to assist them when choosing a name for their baby.

Emma’s Diary Discounts

Emma’s Diary is popular for the discounts it offers its customers on a range of baby and parent products and services. We developed a dedicated system that enables Emma’s Diary to manage these third-party discounts and offers and to target these to the Emma’s Diary user base on a very flexible, segmented basis to drive uptake and maximise value to end users and Emma’s Diary’s commercial partners.

What Our Client Says About Us

Por qué elegirnos como socio tecnológico

  • Amplio espectro de tecnologías

    Amplio espectro de tecnologías

  • Escalabilidad de recursos

    Escalabilidad de recursos

  • Experiencia demostrada

    Experiencia demostrada

  • Ejecución de proyectos sin contratiempos

    Ejecución de proyectos sin contratiempos

  • Plazo de entrega rápido

    Plazo de entrega rápido

  • Mantenimiento y Soporte 24/7

    Mantenimiento y Soporte 24/7

  • Enfoque centrado en la colaboración

    Enfoque centrado en la colaboración

  • Experiencia multidisciplinar

    Experiencia multidisciplinar


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